Strengthen your healthly habits before the hoiday season madness! Let's hold each other accountable to staying track and not lose all of the great momentum we have going.
Here are the guidelines: (modify if needed to match your fitness levels)
1) 45 mins of cardio a day (this can be a light walk so you have active rest days)
2) Min of 5 mins of strength per day (you can work different body parts each day)
3) Min 5 mins of stretch or yoga each day
4) Test one at least one bootcamp a week (optional)
5) Stick to any healthy meal plan/diet you choose (your plan so pick something you can stick with
6) Post your daily stack and photo of your healthiest meal on the check in post daily (this is the most imporant part! it really helps keep everyone motivated)
Who's in drop your leader board below.
I'm in #EPP_in_CA
I am in! CyclingQueenAmy
Count me in!!
I’m in. #geminisister609